
Patients oftentimes have long standing or complicated conditions that do not lend to short-term fixes. By getting to the underlying cause of your problem, and working in a trusting doctor-patient partnership, you are empowered on your path to healing.

Dr. DeSimone’s Areas of Expertise

  • Hormone Dysfunction & Optimization
  • Metabolic Detoxification
  • Thyroid/Adrenal Disorders
  • Cardiometabolic Conditions
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Metabolism & Weight Loss
  • Sleep Issues/ Insomnia
  • Men’s & Women’s Health and Wellness
  • Genetic Investigation for Personalized Treatment

A word about nutrition…
As with overall mobility and strength, and a sense of rest and peace, what you do and don’t put into your body greatly affect your health. I give special focus to food allergies and intolerances, detoxification, anti-inflammatory nutrition, and weight management. We work together to develop your personal nutrition strategy, starting from wherever you are.

Personalized nutritional supplements
A primary prescription for true wellness is high quality nutritional supplements. It is increasingly difficult, and virtually impossible, to get all the nutrients we need from the food available to us today, even from whole foods. I have researched extensively and approved specific brands of supplements which are available through DeSimone Functional Medicine.

How do I help you optimize your health?

How is Functional Medicine different than conventional medicine?