Author Archives: Robert DeSimone

Visceral Fat leads to Cognitive Decline

This is a good article on how visceral fat leads to cognitive decline.

Excess belly fat is linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. This is because abdominal fat, particularly visceral fat, can negatively impact brain function and overall health.

Moderate Caffeine consumption is linked to a decrease in cardio-metabolic disease

Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee/tea per day (200-300mg of caffeine per day) lowers your risk of developing serious health conditions (diabetes, heart disease, or stroke) by up to 48%.

Even high intake of coffee/tea was associated with a lower risk of cardio-metabolic disease. Caffeine consumption of up to 400mg per day lowered your risk 41%.

Metformin and Anti-Aging:

Here is a good study showing how Metformin, a very inexpensive drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes, slowing brain and organ aging in male monkeys.

Many functional medicine clinicians take metformin themselves based on prior research and anecdotal evidence suggesting that metformin has some degree of anti-aging component. These previous studies involved giving rodents, flies, and worms metformin found hints of rejuvenation.

Monkeys, biologically, are much closer to humans than flies (obviously).

It is unclear whether its potential anti-ageing effects are achieved by lowering blood sugar or through a separate mechanism.


As you know obesity is now becoming and epidemic. Americans consume 22% of total energy intake from snacking. 90% of adults report eating one or more snacks a day. To combat the obesity epidemic, maybe we should start “intermittent fasting” between meals.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

I think everyone should be cognizant about how their food is packaged. A Norwegian study found nearly 10,000 chemicals leaching from plastic containers most of which are endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDC).

EDCs are chemicals that interfere with the way the body’s hormones work.

EDCs can disrupt many different hormones, which is why they have been linked to numerous adverse human health outcomes including alterations in sperm quality and fertility, abnormalities in sex organs, endometriosis, early puberty, altered nervous system function, immune function, certain cancers, respiratory problems, metabolic issues, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular problems, growth, neurological and learning disabilities, and more.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut Syndrome is becoming increasingly recognized in by both Functional and Conventional Medicine. It is a condition where the intestinal wall becomes inflamed and permeable to toxins, and bacteria allowing them to leak into the bloodstream.

These foreign molecules permeate through the gut barrier and activate our immune system (80% of our immune system resides in the gut). This can cause a host of problems from allergies, GI symptoms, anxiety, depression, skin conditions, and autoimmune diseases.